Is it right for you?

I provide 1-to-1 coaching to help people in business be the best they can be in both their working and personal lives. You may be an executive with a particular issue that you feel is holding you back or perhaps a CEO or HR Director who wants to help one or a number of your executives to overcome a particular roadblock to success. Whatever the situation, it is likely that I will have successfully tackled a similar scenario in my 14 years of coaching experience.

Using a set of robust, yet practical, psychological tools, I encourage a comprehensive journey of self-discovery, which results in heightened self-awareness; a fundamental component to a successful outcome.

Of course the journey of learning is only half the story.  It is the successful application of what is learnt that leads to a positive outcome. I will encourage you to experiment with what you discover and become more comfortable with a deeper, perhaps new, understanding of your strengths. My approach ensures that any self-limiting behaviours that may appear can be tackled ‘head on’ and a clear path of action agreed.

What you will gain

You will gain a greater understanding and appreciation of your innate abilities, personal contribution and preferred working environments.  It is this knowing and owning of your ‘natural gifts’ that builds real confidence and a motivation to reach your full potential in the workplace and beyond.

It is likely that I will challenge your current ‘modus operandi. The intention is to encourage you to overcome ingrained thought patterns and feelings that may be stopping you from achieving your goals and reaching your full potential.

You will discover…

  • How you prefer to work and relate to others
  • What’s important to you and motivates you
  • How you might be perceived by others
  • That changing how you operate can bring great results

You’ll learn how to…

  • Become a better, more consistent leader
  • Develop your emotional intelligence
  • Build self-confidence and greater influence
  • Manage a more sustainable work /life balance

How you will feel

Because Nick works with you to develop a programme that is specifically tailored to your personal and organisational needs, you will be in joint control of the process with Nick. You will no doubt feel challenged when asked to explore your pre-existing perspectives of yourself, but you will be stimulated by the fresh thinking that this develops and energised by the new opportunities that are revealed. With Nick’s expert guidance you will feel safe and supported at all times.